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Implementation OF software for railway transport

One of the key activities of ASRS s.r.o. is the supply of software for information and logistics enterprises.

Our employees offer various software packages designed for computer scientists, logistics specialists, freight forwarders, carriers, and transport workers. The programs included in these complexes will allow you to quickly find and print the necessary documents, calculate the transportation fee and fill in various transport documents, as well as allow you to maintain document flow and accounting in transport companies.

We supply all types of software for computer science and transport logistics, including highly specialized ones.

ASRS s. r.o. is not going to stop there.

In the future, we will use the latest Internet technologies and communication systems, develop and adapt programs to work on new hardware.

The specialization of our company allowed us to understand all the details and features of the functioning of companies engaged in transportation.

More than 10 years of experience. We have been working in this direction for more than 10 years and have an irreplaceable experience in implementing specialized solutions for railway transport accounting.

We understand our customers at a glance. Knowing the specifics of transport companies in the field of transportation, we understand the needs of the customer and help in drawing up the TOR, taking into account the nuances that are not obvious.

We quickly solve problems of any complexity. If necessary, several developer firms can simultaneously join the project. This allows us to efficiently and quickly complete a project of any complexity.

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